Clear Aligners
Clear aligners for teeth straightening have been around for over 20 years!
Invisalign, who have since become a household name, were the first pioneers of this treatment. In addition to Invisalign, we offer various brands of clear aligners, including Spark and 3M Clarity aligners. Clear aligners are discreet, removable, and allow of better oral hygiene and maintenance. They’re perfect for image-conscious professionals – so ask our team if clear aligners are the right treatment choice for you!
Which Clear Aligner Is Right For Me?
Each clear aligner brand differs in appearance, comfort and technology. Most people have heard of Invisalign, as they have been around the longest. Different brands have individual perks that grant you a more personalised treatment approach. For example, Spark and 3M Aligners can have different force levels programmed into the aligner material. This allows your teeth to move effectively, at the comfort level that suits you.
Make an appointment with Dr. David to see which option best suits your individual needs!